- accounting event
- учет учетное событие (хозяйственная операция или событие, подлежащее отражению на бухгалтерских счетах, напр., реализация товара, получение кредита и т. п.)See:
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Accounting Event — A transaction or change recognized on the financial statements of an accounting entity. Accounting events can be either external or internal. An external transaction would occur with an outside party, such as the purchase or sales of a good. An… … Investment dictionary
accounting event — A transaction or change (internal or external) recognized by the accounting recording system. Events are recorded as debit and credit entries. For example, when a sale is made for cash the double entry for the sales transaction would be debit… … Accounting dictionary
accounting event — A transaction or change (internal or external) recognized by the accounting recording system. Events are recorded as debit and credit entries. For example, when a sale is made for cash the double entry for the sales transaction would be debit… … Big dictionary of business and management
Event to knowledge — or E2K is an accounting metric that measures the time from when an event occurs to when the responsible person knows about. The shorter the average E2K time, the more timely an organization’s financial information will be. Importance of E2K… … Wikipedia
Accounting (UIL) — Accounting is one of several academic events sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League. The contest began in the 1986 87 scholastic year.Accounting is designed to test students understanding of general accounting principles and… … Wikipedia
Accounting Transaction — (deutsch buchhaltungstechnischer Geschäftsvorgang) beschreibt in der Softwaremodellierung ein Analysemuster nach Martin Fowler. Dieses Analysemuster wird benötigt, um das Thema Buchführung (doppelte Buchführung) softwaretechnisch modellieren und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Accounting period — An accounting period is a period with reference to which United Kingdom corporation tax is charged. [Section 12 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988] It helps dictate when tax is paid on income and gains. An accounting period begins… … Wikipedia
Event (Analysemuster) — Klassendiagramm des Event Analysemuster Event ist ein Analysemuster von Martin Fowler und gehört zu den Accounting Patterns. Event beschreibt das Ereignis, das eingetreten ist. Im Pattern Accounting Entry werden die Konsequenzen dieses Events… … Deutsch Wikipedia
University at Buffalo's Accounting Association — The University at Buffalo Accounting Association (UBAA) is a student organization that is available to any accounting student in the School of Management at the University at Buffalo. UBAA is a student ran organization that assists accounting… … Wikipedia
Mark-to-market accounting — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia
Momentum accounting and triple-entry bookkeeping — is an alternative accountancy system developed by Yuji Ijiri and is the title of the 1989 monograph that he wrote.[1] It is hard to imagine alternatives to the universal system of double entry bookkeeping, but this is one. In regular, double… … Wikipedia